Tutoring and Learning Pods

As a life long learner and educator at every level of education (elementary, middle, high school and college) for over 15 years, I am in a unique position to help people succeed in academics and critical thinking. I specialize in helping students set goals, implement plans, gain skills and increase self-efficacy. I also assist students with special needs gain social and emotional skills. Subjects tutored: English, history, science, government, 2dArt, photography, psychology, art history, yoga and more.

In this time of Covid-19, distance learning has become necessary and some parents struggle to motivate their children and keep them engaged. Group tutoring allows students to learn with their friends. Tutoring can take place on-line or in the backyards of homes (5 students max). Parents also need support with managing their children’s education from home. Let me assist you in creating strategies to help promote critical thinking and life-long learning habits in your child.

Call (760) 898-6426 or email me at jenjclark@yahoo.com for a free 30 minute consultation.
